Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Meeting with Pn.Badariah and group discussion

Tan and Ranjeet make their first move to meet Pn.badariah in her room for further advises and comments on our srs draft. We badly need help since we just back from our holiday and nothing much had been done and we believe that anyhow also there will be something lack or missing part in our SRS. Pn.Badariah gave them superb comments which makes them motivated and have the spirit of fighting and finishing up the remaining part of our srs.

Later on ranjeet briefed us on what pn.badariah had commented. And we been given specific task to finish up the srs and patch up the unfinished part. Work had to be done quickly and efficiently since we are asking for another meeting with pn.badariah for viewing again on our srs on wednesday and Puan already agree with that.

Group discussion ended up with everybody feeling nervous and anxious with the enormous undone work in our hand. TOC,DFD,ERD,WBS, functional requirements and etc..

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